Podelitev Europass potrdil

V sredo, 8. 6. 2022, smo v avli OŠ Naklo ob zvokih harmonikaša Andraža Aljančiča in vezni besedi Erazma Žepiča staršem, zaposlenim in ostalim udeležencem predstavili našo mobilnost v Brno na Češko. Gospod ravnatelj Milan Bohinec in gospod župan Ivan Meglič sta...

O projektu

Projekt »Profesionalni razvoj 2021« je na osnovni šoli Arménská v Brnu oblikoval ravnatelj in koordinator EVVO v sodelovanju z drugimi učitelji in člani češko-slovenske ekipe. Rezultati že izvedenih projektov so pokazali, da ima ta šola, ki stoji v urbanem...


Mobilnost omogoča opazovanje metod in postopkov, uvedenih v šoli gostiteljici, razpravo ali celo morebitno testiranje v realnem okolju. Razširjanje rezultatov mobilnosti nato vpliva na delovanje šol v obeh državah. Cilji in rezultati dejavnosti: Učitelji angleškega...

6th day / last day

A brief summary of the day Our last day started with packing and breakfast at 8.00. After the tasty meal we returned to our room and finished packing. At 9.00 we carried our suitcases to the bus. We went to Mendelianum where we saw the DNA, the human one and the fruit...

5th day

A brief summary of the day We started our day with breakfast at 8.00 when we surprised Sara with presents because it was her birthday. Then we went to Armenska primary school. We had our first class with the first graders. We learnt parts of the body in different...