Gostje iz Češke so prišli okoli 12.00 in si najprej ogledali šolo. Okoli dveh smo imeli prireditev dobrodošlice. Najprej so nastopili pevci s slovensko himno. Na koncu so zapeli še češko ljudsko pesem, nad katero so bili gostje navdušeni. Nato je sledila predstava Pod medvedovim dežnikom. Zaigrali so jo učenci osmih razredov. Za konec sta učenki sedmih razredov ( Taja OE in Pia P) zaigrali na svoja inštrumenta. V zaključku je sledila še pogostitev.

The guests from the Czech Republic arrived around noon and took a tour around our school. We prepared a reception for them around two o’clock. First the choir sang the Slovenian national anthem . In the end, we all sang a Czech folk song that impressed and enthralled our guests. The singing was followed by the play Under the Bear’s Umbrella. It was acted out by our eighth graders. Finally, the seventh graders (Taja OE and Pia P) played on their musical instruments. In the end, we had a feast.