Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
A brief summary of the day Our last day started with packing and breakfast at 8.00. After the tasty meal we returned to our room and finished packing. At 9.00 we carried our suitcases to the bus. We went to Mendelianum where we saw the DNA, the human one and the fruit...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
A brief summary of the day We started our day with breakfast at 8.00 when we surprised Sara with presents because it was her birthday. Then we went to Armenska primary school. We had our first class with the first graders. We learnt parts of the body in different...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
A brief summary of the day The day started with a great breakfast at 8. 30. We left the hotel at 9:30 and headed to the ZOO, where we stayed until 4:00 pm. We saw many different animals, many of which we don’t have in Slovenia. We were fascinated by polar bears...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
To Prague by train A brief summary of the dayEarly in the morning at 7 am, we drove from the Kozí Horka guesthouse to the main railway station in Brno. There we had coffee and at 8.09 we took the train to Prague. We ate breakfast on the train and played games on the...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
A brief summary of the day We left the bunker – at last. We walked through the streets of Brno and across Zelyni trh, where the vegetable and fruit market is located. Together with the Czechs, we visited the Moravian National Museum (Moravské zemské muzeum). Then we...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Jun 6, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
A brief summary of the day Today we left the school car park at 8.07. We drove for 8 hours. We stopped twice to eat and go to the toilet. We found the descriptions of the places we drove past extremely interesting. When we arrived in Brno, we first went to see the...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Maj 24, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
English description Naš zadnji dan smo pričeli s pakiranjem in zajtrkom ob 8. uri. Po okusnem obroku smo se vrnili v sobe in do konca spakirali. Ob 9. uri smo kovčke odnesli v avtobus. Odpravili smo se v Mendelianum, kjer smo opazovali molekule DNK, človeške in iz...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Maj 23, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
English description Dan smo začeli z zajtrkom ob 8.00, ko smo Saro presenetili z darili, saj danes praznuje rojstni dan. Potem smo se odpravili v šolo, kjer smo prvo uro preživeli s prvošolci (učenje delov telesa v jezikih projekta in ukrajinščini), pri drugi uri pa...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Maj 22, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
English description Današnji dan se je začel z odličnim zajtrkom ob 8.30. Ob 9.30 smo zapustili hotel in se napotili v živalski vrt, kjer smo ostali do štirih. Videli smo veliko različnih živali, veliko tudi takih, ki jih v Sloveniji nimamo. Navdušeni smo bili nad...
Avtor: Marko Ribič | Maj 22, 2022 | Nekategorizirano
English description Z vlakom v Prago. Že zgodaj zjutraj ob 7.00 smo se odpeljali izpred penziona Kozí Horka do glavne železniške postaje v Brnu. Tam smo si privoščili “kavo” in se ob 8.09 z vlakom odpeljali proti Pragi. Na vlaku smo pojedli zajtrk in...
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